Wednesday 19 August 2015

Travel log - day 22

Okay, our bags are nearly packed, our travel tickets are printed and ready. We are going home tomorrow. We are happy and sad at the same time, nervous actually (it makes us poop a lot). We have made lovely new friends, who will come and visit us. The people have been really nice. Mary is still a bit scared, but Claire greets them every time they come and say hello and has a little chat with them. We do like to eat fresh food from their hands though. It's nice.

Oh, guess what we put in our bags already? Correct, our camera. Will try and find it without having to unpack again to get some more pictures before departure tomorrow evening.

Mary and Claire

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Travel log- day 21

Hola! That is Spanish for hello.

We have had our little party today. Mr Fly, Catherine Caterpillar and Bernhardt Bumblebee all came along. We had spinach and lettuce, pears for Mr Fly and Catherine and Bernhardt had some lavender. It was really fun and the people had built a little castle for us to celebrate in. We can't believe that our holidays are nearly over. Time flies!

Mr Fly said he would be visiting soon, but for now he is off to a holiday himself. He is going to Brighton for a couple of weeks as he heard it is very pretty. He promised us a postcard.

We are off to bed early as we need to clear out and pack tomorrow.

Night night!

Monday 17 August 2015

Travel log - Day 20

Been a fun old day today, one of the people was home all day and kept coming to say hi. They're a funny lot these people, but we like them. There was a lot happening in the garden meaning Mr Fly could come to visit. Apparently he's now friends with a bee now too, which makes us happy cause we don't want him to be lonely after we go home. They're going travelling together too.

See you soon

Mary and Claire

Sunday 16 August 2015

Travel log - day 19

So, we are back again. Floor time was still a bit not a struggle and there might have been a little incident with one of us, when not-to-be-named-and-blamed started purring, vibrating and then left a large puddle of pee on our blanket while we were receiving cuddles. It was actually quite funny as it caused some jumping and giggling for the people.
We have also realised that our holiday is slowly coming to an end, only as couple of days and we will be back home again. We are looking forward to seeing our parents again, but we are also a bit sad as the people here are nice and we have made some new friends, too. The people have allowed us to have a little party before going home and we are going to invite Mr Fly and Catherine over. We should probably also start thinking about packing already to make sure it all fits into our bags. We will leave that until tomorrow.

Good night,
Mary and Claire

So, this is one of the party pictures from yesterday. Marie rocking the dancefloor. 

Travel log - day 18

Hi peepz,

We are really late today and we do not have a picture for you today. Why? We went out clubbing last night with Mr Fly and a new friend we made, Catherine Caterpillar. We feel a bit hangover today and have mostly been sleeping and are really taking it easy. We would like to be in form for floor time tonight.

Speak laters,
Mary and Claire

Saturday 15 August 2015

Travel log - day 17

Hi there,

We are a bit late with our entry today. We were very tired in the evening as we went to the cinema. We watched G- Force with the people and it was awesome! So much action and cleverness (and maybe we both have a little crush). It was really fun going out. We celebrated with some popcorning as we thought popcorn and cinema go well together.

Squeak soon,
Mary and Claire

Thursday 13 August 2015

Travel log - Day 16

Mary today.

So today was very gloomy outside but we had a nice day playing indoors. There was a thunderstorm during the day and I didn't like it, but Claire doesn't seem to mind, she is so brave. She is always the first one out to say hi to the people and she lets me know it's ok. I can be brave sometimes but Claire makes it much easier.

Floortime tomorrow. Woop!

